Free cPanel Web Hosting with PHP5/MYsql NO ADSFree Web Hosting from StoneRocket
Our free web hosting package is packed with advanced features for hosting & building professional websites.
We provide secure web space with all the web hosting tools you could possibly ever need.
Web Space How Much is Enough?
We don`t need to offer huge web hosting packages for free to tempt you! in fact we only offer one package, which should be more than enough for you to develop your website.
The Package
150mb webspace
15,000mb bandwidth
3 email accounts
3 Mysql Databases
3 FTP accounts
3 Add-on Domains
3 Parked Domains
3 sub-domains
Our hosting package come with a huge range of features, outlined here.
cPanel 11 - Hosting control panel
Our hosting control panel is known in the industry as “cPanel”. Through using cPanel, you are able to do everything required to manage your account. From setting up POP3 email accounts, FTP accounts and password protecting directories, to using the online file manager as an alternative to your ftp client and using webmail to check your email.
Account / Website Features Included:
* Web Browser Control Panel
* POP3 Accounts
* Forwarders
* Auto-Responders
* Sub-Domains
* FTP Accounts
* Web Based Email Access
* CGI, Perl, PHP “PHP Version: 5.2.3″ phpinfo
* MS Frontpage™ Extensions
* MySQL Databases
* PhpMyAdmin Support
* Python
* Ruby on Rails
* Cron Jobs - Limited usage
* Web Based Statistics
* Password Protected Files
* SMTP Mail Server
* Real Audio/Video
* MX Record Changes
* Anonymous FTP
* Shopping Cart
* Custom Error Pages
* CGI Chat Room
* WAP/WML/Wireless
* Zend
* Ion Cube
* No File Size Limitations
* Mod_rewrite
* register_globals off
* .hta access allowed
* php open_base on “We only allow the open_base restriction to be removed in special circumstances”
Hosted on - Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
Check Live Server Stats -
If your lucky enough to own your own domain (TLD) you can use it, or you can request a free sub-domain.
Our package includes 3 addon domains and 3 parked domains so you can if you wish host 6 websites from your account.
We have a new sub-domain for the stonerocket users to use!
3 choices of sub-domains
2, - new
Free Domains
For a limited time we are giving away about 20 - 30 domains away on our forums for more information regarding the free domains offer please read this post on our forums - The free Domain offer is still subject to our Terms and Conditions.
How To Get Free Hosting?
To qualify for free web hosting from Stonerocket all we ask you join our popular community forums “over 5000 registered users” and make an initial 10 non-spam post`s on our forums. (takes 5 - 15 minutes)
Get free hosting from - StoneRocket/Forum