Welcome to Dll-files.com!
Everyone has received a "Couldn't find ****.dll..." pop-up message at some time.
Well folks, your problems are over!
Here you will find the most common files that may be missing or corrupted on your computer. Feel free to download at no cost!
If you need live assistance, our computer support experts are standing by 24/7 to solve your computer problems - even the most complicated ones.
Please don't forget to bookmark this site, as you never know when you have a computer-related problem next time. Further information on dll-files, can be found here.
/DLL-files.com Crew
如果您是Windows 系统的使用者,或许您曾经遇到过这样的错误讯息:「找不到重要的.DLL 文件」。
现在您不用再为找不到重要的.DLL 文件烦恼了,一个名为DLL-Files.Com 的网站提供完整的.dll 文件,可以堪称是.dll 文件资料库。使用者可以免费自由下载电脑遗失或损坏的.dll 文件。
DLL-Files.Com 的使用方法相当简单,下面简单介绍一下如何找到.dll 文件并下载:
1. 这里以上图为例:当发现MFC42U.DLL 文件遗失时,进入DLL-Files.Com 网站,使用网站左方的Search for DLL files 搜索栏 (有两个位置可以搜索.DLL 文件):
2. 搜索后会显示出是否找到.DLL文件,当您找到.DLL文件后,点选画面中间的Click here to go to the download of 进行下载:
3. 接着会弹出一个视窗,点选Download .dll 就可以下载了