
Gscripts.Net - 免费PHP程序藏宝库


Gscripts.net is a fast growing directory of free php scripts such as php forums, php photo galleries, CMS , php e-commerce solutions and many other open source scripts. Each script has demo so you can test it before waste any time installing it, most of the php scripts offer direct download link.
If you are planning to build a dynamic database driven site but you have little or no knowledge in PHP coding, Gscripts.net will help you find the php scripts that will save you extensive codding . We offer more than 48 content management systems that can be used as a base for your php / mysql site.
If you are webmaster of an existing site, you may spice it with a new forum , php photo gallery, links directory, chat script, blog or add E-Commerce functionalities using some of our free php scripts.
Most of our free php scripts need PHP and MySql, they are all free as we don't list paid php scripts. If you need free php mysql hosting here is a good list of free php hosting providers.
Gscripts.Net 提供相当丰富的PHP 程序收藏,可以说是一套PHP 程序目录。例如许多人喜欢的博客、相册、论坛、内容管理系统(CMS)等等,而Gscripts.Net 每个分类内容相当充实,除了简介之外,也会挑选其中较具代表性的程序重点介绍,诸如博客程序WordPress,而论坛就是PHPBB 程序。
         除了PHP 程序的介绍之外,Gscripts.Net 也有评分、推荐或是评论(Review) 的功能,集合众人的力量来挑选、评比出最佳的PHP 程序。还有此类网站绝对不能缺少的功能就是范例(Demo)功能,使用者在找寻合适的PHP 程序前可以先看该程序的实际运作情形,在决定要不要下载安装程序。
Gscripts.Net 在首页声明:大部分的程序都必须支持PHP MySQL 数据库才能够正常运行。Gscripts.Net 不会将需要付费的PHP 程序列在网站内,也就是说网站的所有程序都是FREE 的。

