DNS解析FREE服务网站( Domain Name System) ,通常情况下,我们经常使用的不过一、二个而己。整理汇集DNS解析FREE服务网站,只是为了方便大家查询、使用。
The industry standard in internet domain name management. Our services include:
- Managed DNS Service - Did your registrar sell you a domain name, then leave you without any DNS? ZoneEdit.com provides DNS, with an easy front end. Just type in a domain name and an IP address on a web page, then browse to the domain you've created, instantly!
- Secondary Name Service - ZoneEdit's high-speed managed network is located across the US/Europe. Adding more DNS servers to your domain results in reliability and speed.
- WebForward™ - Do you have a web site with a complicated address? Would you like to have a "www.___.com"? Use our pathed WebForward™ service, and visitors will get transferred automatically!
- MailForward™ - Easily forward mail@yourdomain.com to other email addresses using MailForward. You can set up a 'default' email for every domain as well.
- Free starter web page - No place to park your domain while you develop it? Park it here!
- Branded Site - Get your own nameservers and your own control panel to complement your firm's existing website. Give your clients secure access to only their own domains, and they'll save you time and money by editing their own DNS entries.
- Our Network - All of our servers are colocated at top-tier NOCs, with redundant fiber connectivity, diesel backup and climate-controlled environments. Click here for more info.
- Dynamic DNS - Full free dynamic DNS support allowing cable modem, dsl, and dial up users to run web sites on your home pc.
- Failover & Load Balancing - monitoring, failover and load balancing services for web servers
- Backup Mail Service - Want to run your own mail server, but you're afraid of missing important e-mails? Our optional "Store and Forward" service will accept e-mails for you while your mail server is down or unavailable, and redeliver them when you're back up!
ZoneEdit 提供免费DNS解析服务,包含设置A记录、MX记录、CNAME记录、域名转发、邮件转发、动态域名等功能。免费用户可添加5个域名,允许添加.tk 域名
DNSPod 创建立2006年3月,提供FREE 智能DNS 解析。DNSPod 可以同时为电信、网通、教育网服务器的网站提供智能的解析,让电信用户访问电信的服务器,网通的用户访问网通的服务器,达到互联互通的效果。
如果不需要智能解析的普通用户也可以使用DNSPod 的服务。DNSPod 不限制用户的域名、记录数量,并且提供其他DNS服务提供商没有提供的服务。
DNSPod 拥有6台DNS 服务器:
由于是智能解析( 返回的IP )是根据用户端电脑设置的DNS地址去判定隶属电信或网通的线路。
常见问题: 更多 >>
- 什么是DNSPod?
- 什么是智能DNS?
- DNSPod的DNS服务器是哪些?
- DNS修改为DNSPod后需要多久生效?
- DNSPod每个域名可以添加多少条记录?
- 添加、修改记录要多久生效?
- 为什么修改DNS后有一段时间变得不稳定?
- 新手入门
- 常见问题(解析相关)
- 常见问题(非解析类)
- 其他问题
- 技术文档
- 其他资源
- 术语解答
- 进阶操作
Start using the world's largest and fastest-growing DNS service. Make your network safer, faster, smarter and more reliable. It's free. r />Make your network more secure.
OpenDNS protects millions of people a day across hundreds of thousands of schools, businesses and homes. We block phishing sites, give you the power to filter out adult sites and proxies among more than 50 categories, and provide the precision to block individual domains.
Get insight into your DNS activity.
We provide you with the tools to see what's happening on your network, coupled with the tools to take action. For example, discover that myspace.com is the most frequently visited site on your network, and then block it with a single click.
Make your lnternet more reliable.
Free yourself of DNS-related Internet outages with our zero-downtime global network. Eliminate DNS as a problem source on your network. Using OpenDNS means fewer support calls and headaches, letting you focus on more important issues.
OpenDNS 是国外的免费DNS 服务器,如果由于DNS 服务器问题使您上网不稳定( 如:网页无法打开,但刷新一下又可以了) ,不妨试试OpenDNS。OpenDNS 具有一般DNS 服务器所不具备的多种功能,有些功能还是挺实用的。
PowerDNS Express
PowerDNS Express is a flexible web based DNS serving solution that allows companies and individuals to conveniently manage their own domain, mail forwarding and web redirection.
PowerDNS Express is hosted on the global PowerDNS infastructure; a redundant cluster of nameservers located at multiple locations around the globe. This allows us to provide a robust, reliable and redundant DNS Hosting Service.
PowerDNS Express makes it simple and easy to administer your domains.
提供免费DNS 解析服务,将您域名的DNS 解析到powerdns 就行了,可以任意设置A、MX、CNAME 等记录。
Use the Form below to sign up for an account. After you have filled in the form, your account details will be mailed to the email address you've entered below. This will also include the password that you need to login.
Simple tools managing complex technologies.
Welcome to DNS Park!
DNS Park is a secure, reliable, and easy way to host your DNS and Mail. We offer multiple services ranging from primary and secondary DNS services to mail relaying, antivirus, and backup services. For more information please review our complete list of services and register today!
Focus on Security
DNS hosting and security are generally not thought of together, but what happens when your nameservers are unavailable for some reason? What if your domain gets misconfigured? Traffic redirected? Don't let these things happen to you.
DNS Park has security at its core, Our DNS hosting and mail services are built and operated with security as a priority, and we're dedicated to the security of every domain we service. Some questions to ask when looking for a DNS services provider.
- Do you allow zone transfers of my domain? If so, do you require TSIG or IP based ACLs?
- Are all of the nameservers geographically distributed?
- Do you use multiple carriers to help mitigate network outages?
- Is the web management interface configured to prevent unauthorized access? Password guessing attacks?
- Can I limit where my domains can be managed from?
- Are your servers protected with firewalls? Do you keep them patched? And intrusion detection?
DNS Park can answer each of these questions with a simple 'yes'. (See our technologies & network for details) While DNS services are our core business, security is our core promise. DNS Park was recognized in the January 2004 article from Network Magazine entitled "DNS: Defending Your Domain". If you are looking for a secure DNS services company, DNS Park is the answer.
Why DNS Park?
Globally managed DNS hosting services are a requirement for your business in the economy today. Our domain name services have been carefully constructed to provide highly reliable DNS services that are affordable. Whether you need complete DNS hosting services or simply a secondary DNS service, DNS Park can meet the demands of any business or individual with our comprehensive web-based system.
All of your domains can be managed through a central web management interface, reducing the complexities of management. Our standard DNS hosting services include support for wildcard records, round robin entries, reverse (PTR) configuration and all of the standard records that you would expect from a quality DNS service provider.
In addition to our standard managed DNS services, we can provide dynamic DNS, URL redirection, web parking, email forwarding, and backup mail services.
DNSPARK 提供免费DNS 解析,在国外很有名气,通常做海外IDC 的公司给客户做的解析都是利用DNSPARK'。DNSPARK 是国际著名的第三方DNS 服务商,专门提供域名解析和动态域名绑定服务,可解析20个域名,允许添加uni.cc 域名。
DNS Park Registration
Please take a moment to fill out the park registration so we can easily identify your visits to the park.
불법사이트 운영자에 대한 고지
도박/불법성인물/스팸전송 등 불법사이트를 운영하는 도메인은 발견 즉시 서비스가 중지될 수 있으므로, 절대로 본 사이트를 이용하지 마십시오. DNSEver 는 깨끗한 인터넷 환경을 유지하기 위하여 노력합니다
- DNSEver는 도메인은 보유하고 있으나, 네임서버가 없으신 분, 네임서버 구축 또는 관리에 어려운 분을 위하여, 안정적인 네임서버를 제공하고 있습니다.
- 여러분의 사내 네트워크내에 DNS서버를 구축할 경우에, 네트워크가 다운되거나, 새로운 전용선으로 교체를 할 경우, 인터넷 서비스를 못하게 되는 문제점이 발생할 수 있습니다.
- DNSEver 의 DNS 시스템은 전용IDC에 설치되고, 최고의 시스템 전문가가 항상 최적의 네트워크 및 서버환경을 유지토록 관리하여, 항상 DNS서비스가 최고의 상태로 정상 작동하도록 합니다.
- DNSEver의 네임서버는 지역적으로 분리되어 있으며, 각기 다른 기간망에 물려 있어, 네트워크 장애의 가능성을 차단하고 서비스의 안정성을 극대화합니다. ( 서울의 KIDC와 경기도분당의 KT-IDC에 각각 분산되어 있음)
- DNSEver의 DNS서비스를 이용하면, DNS를 운용할 서버와 시스템전문가를 두지 않아도 되므로, 도메인을 관리하기 위한 시간과 돈이 절약됩니다.
- 전화나 케이블망으로 초고속인터넷을 이용하때, 매번 접속할 때마다, IP가 변경되는 유동IP환경에서도, 자신의 컴퓨터에서 인터넷 서버를 구축할 수 있습니다.DNSEver의 다이나믹DNS 서비스를 이용하면 자신의 컴퓨터에 다이나믹DNS클라이언트를 설치하여, 주기적으로, 자신의 도메인주소(예:www.myhome.com)을 매번 바뀌는 유동IP로 연결할 수 있습니다.
- 홈페이지 주소가 너무 길거나 복잡하십니까? 기존의 길고 복잡한 홈페이지 주소를 자신의 새로운 도메인으로 손쉽게 연결하고 싶으십니까? DNSEver의 웹포워딩 서비스는 길고 복잡한 홈페이지 주소를 짧게 해 드립니다.
- 홈페이지를 아직 만드시지 않으셨다면, “공사중”, “판매중”등을 나타내는 시작 홈페이지를 즉시 만들어 드립니다.
DNSEver 네임서버- 1차:ns1.dnsever.com ( )
- 2차:ns2.dnsever.com ( )
申请地址: http://kr.dnsever.com/index.html?selected_menu=checkjuminno
We provides reliable DNS Services free to top level domains for both business and internet users. Our DNS supports Dynamic IP that means you will be able to run your own website, ftp, or mail servers via DSL, Cable Modem lines with dynamic IP. To try out dynamic DNS on a real domain, please try Dynamic DNS Demo.
If you are new to DNS and don't how to create it, no problem, our DNS Tools will guide you through the whole setup process. You will be amazed by how easy it is to setup DNS with our tools.
DNS Services & Management FREE
Manage your domain DNS from our easy-to-use web interface FREE of charge, Our DNS supports country code and specialty domains such as .tv, .cc, .bz, .ws, .info, .biz, .name.
Dynamic DNS Service FREE
No static IP? No problem. 100% FREE. With dynamic DNS service, you can map your domain names to servers connected via DSL, cable modem, or any other service that does not provide you with a static IP address. Our Dynamic DNS have your IP updated in less than 2 minutes, which is the fastest in industry.
WebDNSmanagement. * Your email. * Select desired package. DD-10 ($0.0/year). Language. English, Russian, Arabic, French.
My domain list: Total 0 out of 100 limit
Name servers:
VALUE-DOMAIN.COM(バリュードメイン) は、ドメイン登録代行(+無料メール転送+自由に設定可能な無料ネームサーバー+無料ダイナミックDNS+無料URL転送+無料・有料サーバー)を提供するドメイン総合サービスです。
申请地址: http://www.value-domain.com/signup.php
EditDNS.net provides a global enterprise solution to DNS.
- Free DNS Hosting
Easy, web-based interface for adding/modifying/deleting records for your domain name. We support A, CNAME, MX, NS, SRV, TXT, PTR, and AAAA records. - Free Backup DNS
Allow us to run as a secondary nameserver for your domain. We will automatically grab your records from your master nameserver. - Free Dynamic DNS
Do you have a dynamic IP from your cable or DSL company? You can automatically update your IP address for your domain as soon as it changes. - Free Sub Domains
Want your own unique name on the internet but don't feel like registering a domain name? Create your own hostname from a domain name we own. - Free Web Forwarding
Do you have a long website name and always forget it? We will forward your domain to any other website, we can even hide (cloak) your forwarded URL. - Free E-Mail Forwarding
Do you already have an e-mail address and want to forward your domain's email to that address? Use our email forwarding services to automatically forward your domain's email for you. - Free MX Re-Routing (With optional spam filtering)
Does your ISP block port 25 and you want to run your own mail server? We will automatically re-route all your email to a non-standard port. - Free Europe & US Nameservers
Does the majority of your traffic come from overseas? Not a problem! We have Europe DNS servers to handle your requests for you. - Spam & Virus E-Mail Filtering
Do you want us to handle your spam and virus filtering for you? Not a problem. We can do filtering for any mail server, as long as you have your own domain name. We have a web-based spam & quarantine control panel which makes managing spam a breeze.
* Free accounts are limited on the number of advanced services you may have per account.
We offer a free managed dns zone file hosting service which allows you to point yourdomain.com or subdomain.yourdomain.com to any IP address, host name or server.
- Instant updates via our network of 4 DNS servers
- Support for A, CNAME, MX, TXT, NS records
- All TLD's supported
- No advertising, mailing lists or junk mail
- No limit on the number of domains
- No limit on sub domain numbers
- Manage multiple domains from one account
- Round robin DNS supported. (Multiple IP's per address)
- Works with your current domain name registrar and web host
- Setup an account in 60 seconds, using only your email address.
- Changes to zones are reflected instantly
- Dynamic DNS supported
- Simple, easy to use and reliable web interface currently used by over 6,000 users
- Backed by a UK ISP managing over 40,000 domains, not supported by donations!
What to do next -- Sign up in seconds
- Ask you domain registrar to set your name servers to ns1.nsnoc.com ns2.nsnoc.com ns3.nsnoc.net and ns4.nsnoc.net
- Log in and create your first zone file
- 24 hours later enjoy the benefits from your free service.
Just enter an email address and password to create a new account with ourselves. We will send login instructions and confirmation to your email address.
英国FREE DNS域名解析Web-Dns.Co.Uk
申请地址: http://web-dns.co.uk/index.php
Free with every domain!
- Forward your domain names to any Web site
- Powerful free DNS management services
- Forward e-mail to an existing e-mail account
- Create multiple subdomains and much more!
- Manage all your domains with one account
Use MyDomain's FREE services on your domains - even when they are registered somewhere else!
New! Powerful SiteBuilder included with all Hosting Plans!
Welcome to EveryDNS.net -- our project to provide free dns services to the internet community.
We provide static DNS services as well as many advanced services such as Dynamic DNS resolution, Secondary service, AXFR service, and domain2web redirection. Of course, our primary service is free DNS.
Since our start in June of 2001 we have proved to be a reliable and secure service and we have no intention of changing that. A $15-$30 dollar donation is appreciated to help our services grow and improve. Thank you for your support of this free service.
Click here to learn more about the service.
To have your domain resolve correctly, please use ns1.everydns.net, ns2.everydns.net, ns3.everydns.net, and ns4.everydns.net as your domain's nameservers in your registrar's whois database. Without that, none of your records will resolve properly. (NS1 is in San Diego, while NS2 is in San Jose, NS3 is in the Netherlands, and NS4 is in Washington, D.C.)
This Free DNS hosting service is provided to help people that don't want to lose time and money with providers not always reactive to DNS changes.
We can provide you primary and secondary name server for free (but if you like this service, please contribute !)
All zones hosted as primary or secondary on our main server - ns0.xname.org, are automatically replicated on our secondary servers, ns1.xname.org and ns2.xname.org. We recommend to always use the 3 together for better redundancy.
Commerial Usage
A commercial usage of XName service is possible for small companies. A financial contribution is then mandatory to avoid beeing considered as abusers.
Features- multi-users groups (with read-only and/or read-write users) with action logs
- IPv6 AAAA records
- .in-addr.arpa zones (with PTR records)
- automatic modification of associated reverse (or normal) zone
- Templates for zone creation
- Zone filling using existing zone data on a remote server
- Sub-zones creation and delegation
- in-addr.arpa IP range delegation
- dynamic update (see here)
- automatically managed, refresh occurs once per hour
a mailing-list with infos about the availability of our service is available : send an empty email to xname-availability-subscribe@xname.org to subscribe.
To unsubscribe, send an empty email to xname-availability-unsubscribe@xname.org
A mailing list with infos about new enhancements of our service is available. To subscribe, send an empty email to xname-news-subscribe@xname.org
To unsubscribe, send an empty email to xname-news-unsubscribe@xname.org
Contact us
If you have questions, don't hesitate to mail us at xname@xname.org.
Warning: only non-FAQ questions will be answered.
If you like this service, you can contribute.
申请地址: https://www.xname.org/createuser.php?language=en
You don’t have a fixed IP Address but want to:
- Work on your computer in the office from the comfort of your home
- While traveling connect to your home computer to show your friends or relatives pictures, download some files, etc.
- Allow your technical support staff to connect to your computer right away to solve the problems
- Host your own webserver with your homepage or your company website
- Host your own servers such as FTP, EMAIL, GAME, etc.
- Allows you to use NetMeeting, CU-SeeMe, PCAnywhere, etc.
- etc...
Your problem is that you don’t have fixed IP address. It changes once an hour or once a day or every time you connect to the Internet. Every time it changes you have to inform everybody of the new IP address.
2MyDNS.com can make a difference. We will hold the information about your IP address change and refer all the requests to you. And it doesn’t matter if you connect to the internet via DSL, cable or dialup. You just simply choose the service that is right for you and get started.
2MyDNS.com offers 4 different services
Use this service if you want to have your own domain name but don't want to register one.
You can get yourself a domain name such as yourname.2mydns.com without bothering registering one with InterNIC. Using this service from 2MyDNS.com, you can get your own domain even though you use DSL, cable or dialup connection. Regardless of the fact that your IP changes, everybody can always reach you. On this domain you can host your own WEBSITE, FTP Server, EMAIL Server, GAME Server, etc. And all this is FREE!
(See the complete list of our domains).
Use this service if you already own a domain name and want to host it yourself.
Own your own domain and tired of these annoying restrictions of hosting companies? Then this is the solution for you. Host your domain on your own computer. It doesn’t matter that you connect to the Internet via DSL, cable or dialup connection and your IP changes every time you connect to Internet or even more often. 2MyDNS.com will always know your IP address and direct all the requests accordingly. On this domain you can host your own WEBSITE
, FTP Server, EMAIL Server, GAME Server, etc.
Use this service if you want to use the simple web address instead of your long one and/or need to reroute requests to different port.
Got tired of people forgetting your homepage address because it is too long and doesn’t make any sense. Really who can remember something like http://www.geocities.com/NewYork/1256/1789/1980/hnder.htm. So, do yourself a favor and get an easy to remember name like yourname.2myip.net (or any other from the list). Then your friends will have to remember this easy name and 2MyDNS.com will redirect their requests to your existing website.
Ever got a problem trying to explain that your website is hosted on the port other than 80 because your port 80 is blocked by the ISP? Then use this service from 2MyDNS.com and we will take care of this problem. You just get yourself a domain like yourname.2myip.net (or any other from the list) and we will simply redirect all the requests to your website on the port you specify.
Use this service if you don't want to show your real web address plus need to reroute requests to a different port.
Is similar with HTTP Relay but with one significant difference. This service will allow you to hide your real URL (website address). In other words, nobody will know that their request is being redirected.
New user Sign Up
Welcome to 2MyDNS.com - The World Of Dynamic DNS.
Please fill out the form below in order to start using our services.
Please note:
To complete registration, enter a valid Email address that you will be able to check immediately.
Email will be sent out to you with a confirmation link.
Your account is not going to be activated until you complete the email confirmation.
DNS 服务
- 管理你自己的域名或本公司指定的二级域名
- 网页式的管理介面提供全权控制你的DNS记录
- 提供多种非固定IP更新程序於不同的操作平台上运行
- 提供 A, MX, CNAME, TXT 和 A6 记录
- 支援设定TTL低至10秒,方便使用实时应用程式, 如 VoIP, IP Camera 等
- 送30天免费试用期
- 支援转向非标准阜,解决HTTP阜80被阻隔的问题, 让你可在家中建站
- 让你自由转换服务供应商, 而无须更改网址
- 支援隐藏转向目的地网址功能(URL masking)
- 随DNS服务免费提供
- 提供POP3邮箱给域名使用者,支援别名及转递功能,或
- 把於域名的任何电邮地址归一转移至指定的邮箱,或
- SMTP转递,解决被阻隔标准SMTP阜25的问题
- 随DNS服务免费提供
- 用你域名命名的线上相册 - 100MB储存量
- 用你域名命名的博客 - 100MB储存量
- 随DNS服务免费提供
Dns Services
100% uptime history is just one of the many reasons that companies use our DNS services everyday. We also have extremely flexible user interfaces along with a highly secure application environment.
Dns Services Listing
Managed (Primary) DNS Services
The flagship service of the DNS Made Easy suite of services provides a secure web interface to get your domains running quick. And with our instant (and we do mean instant) DNS propagation you will see your changes immediately. Our pricing will not only crush the competition but we also have industry leading uptime and high quality support.
With the Managed DNS service from DNS Made Easy you will have the ability to create NS, A, CNAME, MX, PTR, TXT, SRV, and HTTP Redirection records.
Secondary DNS Services
Even if you already have your own name server it is always better to have additional servers for robustness. You will probably want to set up more than the required two name servers for your domains. DNS Made Easy has a solution to offer you a highly flexible slave name server.
DNS Failover / System Monitoring (add-on to the Managed DNS)
Offering your clients a 24 / 7 solution is expected in today's world. If a user is not able to access your web site or service for a long period of time then there is a great chance that you will lose that customer's business. By using DNS Made Easy's DNS Failover / System Monitoring solution (patent pending) your users will never notice great periods of downtime again. Increase your site's uptime by another "9" today!
What the?
Free DNS hosting is just that, we provide FREE DNS hosting for ANY DOMAIN that you can change the nameservers for.
Cause we can, and I've got nothing better to do.
Whats the catch?
Nothing really
So... serriously, wheres the hidden charges?
There arn't any, this service is 100% FREE
Whats in it for you
Nothing really, We testing to see if its possible to run a free DNS hosting company using the plesk control panel as the back end and trying to survive off Google(TM) AdSense/Paypal(TM) income.
If after 4 months of running there is insuffient income to pay for the DNS server then it co
mes to a close, if there is, then we run for another 4 months.
So whats the limitations?
Well there is a bit of a list : )- There is no support, if you have an issue your on your own
- If the server goes over its limit's and it gets suspended... stiff shit
- There are no SLAs (Service Level Agreements), thus, if the DNS runs like a hairy old goat, there is no compensation nor "escalation" proceedure
- The service is provided on an AS IS basis, if you put something life-critical/mission-critical on this, and it dies, its your problem not ours...
- Each account only has 150 domains by default, with one account per email, as long as its not abused, I don't care HOW many accounts you have ; )
Where can I find the Legal stuff?
Well if you can't read the "Disclaimer/Legal" up the top then you got a problem ; )
How do I sign up?
Well if the "Sign-Up" link is NOT up the top, it means that this is still under development ; )
Is this for sale?
No, and never will be...
Free DNS. Domain name hosting.
- Absolutely free of charge domain name control system.
- Easy to use, user-friendly interface. Convenient records management for considerable quantity of domain names.
- Setting up Gmail from Google Apps under your domain name with one click.
- Easy integrated domain name redirection.
Founded in 1995, the parent company of Sitelutions, InfoRelay Online Systems, Inc. has a lot of experience in DNS, hosting, and IT. We've been in business for longer than most hosts, so we know the ropes :-). Beyond that, we offer abold 99.999% network uptime guarantee, a 100% money-back guarantee, and we donate a percentage of profits to charities chosen by our users.
It's FREE, fast, and easy to sign up, so why not do it now?
中国E动网提供的免费DNS解析服务的申请过程就是购买过程,价格为O.OO 元!您可以一次购买1~5年的服务,购买后可以随时续费,续费价格还是O.OO 元!
DNS解析服务购买完成后,需要将您域名的DNS设置为:ns11.edong.com 和ns12.edong.com,这样就可以使用中国E动网提供的免费DNS解析服务了,否则您域名的DNS服务器还是原来的,在中国E动网进行DNS解析设置是不会生效的。
如果您不打算使用中国E动网的免费DNS解析服务,而仅仅是想使用域名转发(可隐藏原网址URL)功能,在“URL转发”中添加好域名转发后,将此域名解析到中国E动网的域名转发服务器IP: 即可,无需将DNS 改为中国E动网的。
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